Friday, February 20, 2009

We have a LONG way to go!

Where are we? Sara is at the zoo today checking out some stats and we anxiously await news from the directors that they are willing to meet with us . . .

In the meantime, interesting email and notes have come to our attention. One friend recently commented, “I don’t care about offending anyone, if my baby needs to eat, I just whip it out.” To which I quickly replied, “That’s wonderful, we encourage that and embrace that. However, this issue is not about offending anyone. It is about creating a space that is safe and (potentially) calm for moms to effectively nurse. While they’re at it, they can change baby’s diaper and ensure that if they have other children with them, they are not roaming free.”

Another benefit is of course for the moms that need to pump. It would be almost impossible for a mom who needs to pump to enjoy the zoo with her family for more than a couple of hours. If a nursing room was provided, mom could stop in, pump and be on her way. Cake. Where else can mom do this?

An interesting article that touches on this subject is at:

Maybe people will begin to understand what we are up against when we have babies we need to feed and there isn’t a private place to do this. Like we said, covering up is not an option for many babes, as they just pull it off. Besides, who eats with a blanket over their head? I personally am outraged by the, dare I say, not so nice word here has been replaced with - unsupportive fellow human beings who comment on being turned on by nursing moms, that “bigger is better,” and (my personal favorite) the one who claims, “Personally, I just walk up and ask if they're giving out free samples.” Moms, keep rocks in your purse just in case you encounter this one.

Lord help the mama who chooses to do the single best thing for her baby . . . We have a LONG way to go!

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